Hi! This is Kamyab. After like 10 years, I decided to start blogging again. Reasons?
First of all, Emacs. I have been using Emacs for 4 years. Started with Spacemacs, migrated to Doom. Loved them both. Respect to their developers for showing people like me what's possible in Emacs. At one point, I wrote my own config using System Crafters' great series: Emacs From Scratch. I wrote a usable config but couldn't wrap my head around some stuff and it was kinda quirky. Went back to using Doom. Then, decided to leave it and get back to my own config a couple of weeks ago cause I didn't like it when things changed after an update. Doom is awesome, Spacemacs is awesome, but they are not mine. I wanted to have my Emacs.
I'm trying to get myself comfortable with Elisp. I had an idea about an online post series called Bad Elisp where I share my Elisp solutions for probleams I encounter, so:
- people correct me and/or give me other ideas
- hopefully, encourage people who are afraid of Elisp (I could do it, so could you!)
I will write about other stuff too. Mostly tech stuff. Movies/music/books. I'm not sure. Let's see how it turns out.
This website is generated using org-publish, based on another great guide by David Wilson, Build Your Website with Org Mode. I will probably talk about in upcoming posts.